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On the use of the compound past in Istro-Romanian

Publication: Sintaxa ca mod de a fi. Omagiu Gabrielei Pană Dindelegan, la aniversare, p. 207
Editors:Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Camelia Stan, Rodica Zafiu
Publisher:Editura Universității din București
Abstract:This article deals with the syntactic behaviour of the compound past tense of the indicative in Istro-Romanian. Using both generative grammar, and standard Romanian geolinguistics and dialectology bibliography, I will show the distribution of Istro-Romanian compound past based on examples excerpted from the literature (which are also backed by recordings I made myself in June 2016). After a brief presentation of compound tenses in Istro-Romanian, a preliminary discussion regards the word order and the changes this tense triggers in Istro-Romanian. Comparisons will be made primarily with Daco-Romanian, but also with other Eastern Romance or Croatian/Slavic (as consequences of long-time language contact).
Key words:Istro-Romanian, auxiliary verbs, compound past, interpolation, auxiliary selection
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 2

0Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru NicolaeParticular Features of Istro-Romanian Pronominal CliticsStudia UBB, LXV (4), 147-1582020
0Ionuț GeanăVoice in Istro-Romanian. A corpus-based analysisFD, XXXVI, 362017pdf

References in this publication: 4

2Adina DragomirescuSupinul din istroromânăLR, LXV (3), 355-3622016pdf
3Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru NicolaeO trăsătură sintactică a românei vechi păstrată în istroromână: interpolareaLR, LXV (4), 454-4642016pdf
8Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru NicolaeUrme ale selecţiei auxiliarului de perfect compus în românăDimitrescu – Niculescu, I, 3382013
210Valeriu Rusu (coord.)Tratat de dialectologie româneascăEditura Scrisul Românesc1984

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