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Un veac de transformări oiconimice în România

Publication: Magistri et alumni, amore scribendi. Studia. In Honorem Professoris Nicolae Felecan, Section Onomastică, p. 439
Editors:Oliviu Felecan, Daiana Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Abstract:[A century of oikonymic changes in Romania]
Oikonymic changes are caused by the action of a plurality of sociocultural, ethnic and political-ideological factors, which ensure a tight connection between onomastics and the historical, national context, as well as the cultural values of a community. The official system, which continues to change and adapt to political, socioeconomic and ethnic realities, considerably reduces the variety of folk oikonymy, which is reliant on the geography and history of the named places. Encomiastic oikonyms (given by representatives of the regime in office) and sometimes commemorative oikonyms (given on the basis of names of minor figures or circumstantial criteria) are bound to change/to disappear. Therefore, they establish purely conventional relationships between territorial units and the names in question.
Key words:oikonymic changes, sociolinguistics, toponyms
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 3

References in this publication: 8

6Nicolae FelecanOiconime „decretate”. Aspecte sociolingvisticeICONN 3, 4782015pdf
2Vasile FrățilăOiconime bănățene de origine antroponimică (II)AUT, LIII, 92015pdf
3Mihaela Munteanu SisermanNume de vinuri şi de soiuri de struguri româneştiICONN 2, 1572013pdf
2Vasile FrățilăOiconime bănățene de origine antroponimicăMarin, 232-2442013
3Vasile FrățilăOiconime bănățene de origine maghiarăFelecan, 4112011
3Vasile FrățilăOiconime bănățene slave de origine antroponimicăAUT, XLVIII, 1452010pdf
5Vasile FrățilăNume de localităţi de origine slavă în BanatSCL, LIX (1), 1232008html
5Vasile FrățilăDin oiconimia BanatuluiAUT, XLV, 139-1672007pdf

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