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Nume de străzi ale localităților din comuna Săgeata, județul Buzău

Publication: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a II-a: Onomastica din spațiul public actual, p. 254
Editors:Oliviu Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Abstract:[Street names from settlements in the Săgeata Commune, the Buzău County]
The streets of the villages in the Săgeata Commune, the Buzău County, were named in 2010. Different criteria can be noticed in the selection of their names: paying homage to the heroes who died for their country on the battlefield, glorifying the memory of some famous people in the local rural universe, paying homage to “sons of the village” who became local or national figures, defining natural phenomena, and so on. One can claim this is a positive process, with an important role in learning the local history and promoting a feeling of local pride and patriotism. This fact is even more salient if one considers that some hodonyms are derived from names of personalities that are well known throughout the country. An example in this respect is the street name Ioan Coman, derived from the name of a professor and rector (1954–1962) of the Theological Institute of Bucharest, and Ion Apostol, coined after the name of one of the most esteemed representatives of interwar Romanian horse racing.
Key words:name of streets, the Săgeata Commune, the Buzău County
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 1

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