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Soluţii etimologice pentru adjectivele neologice în -icesc, propuse de Dicţionarul Academiei

Publication: Cultură și identitate românească - Tendințe actuale și reflectarea lor în diaspora, Section Lingvistică
Editors:Ofelia Ichim; Luminița Botoșineanu, Daniela Butnaru, Marius-Radu Clim, Florin-Teodor Olariu, Elena Tamba
Publisher:Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:Although for the last two decades the issue of the origin and adaptation into Romanian of neological adjectives represented the object of a number of highly complex studies on lexicology, in Dicţionarul limbii române (the Dictionary of Romanian Language) of the Academy (as well as in other current Romanian dictionaries) they continue to be tackled from an etymological perspective, providing different explanations, that are even divergent, at times.
The old neological adjectives ending in –icesc, -alnic, -arnic, etc. are considered internal creations, that are derived with the suffixes added to the neologisms which were not circulating yet in Romanian, either borrowings that were adapted to the derivative system of Romanian by the substitution of the foreign suffixes for the Romanian equivalents, or direct lexical borrowings of Greek, Latin and German origin (the first foreign sources of the neological lexical borrowings of Romanian).
In this presentation we deal with the analysis of the neological adjectives ending in –icesc and we suggest unitary and adequate solutions for the treatment of their etymology.
Key words:lexicographic treatment, etymology, neological adjectives, Dictionarul Academiei (the Dictionary of the Academy)
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 9

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