Title: | Words and Other Wonders. Papers on Lexical and Semantic Topics |
Author: | Dirk Geeraerts |
Publisher: | Mouton de Guyter |
Place: | Berlin/New York |
Year: | 2006 |
Citations to this publication: 5
0 | Adina Chirilă | Biblical hermeneutics through anthroponyms. Its chances “after Babel” | Bel.Inf., 9 (3), 11-24 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Georgescu | Conceptual metaphors leading to some names of anger in the Indo-European languages (with focus on the Romance languages) | RRL, LXV (2) | 2020 | pdf html |
1 | María-Luisa Fernández-Echevarría | La syllabe et la construction de l’énoncé en FLE | Studia UBB, LIX (4), 69 | 2014 | html |
3 | Adina Chirilă | Opţiuni de redare a numelor proprii în traducerile biblice. Studiu de caz: numele fiicelor lui Iov (Iov 42: 14) | AUI, LVIII, 33-43 | 2012 | |
1 | Dirk Geeraerts | Fenomene de salienţă în lexic. O tipologie | AUI, LIV, 53-72 | 2008 |
References in this publication: 0
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