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Classifiers of quantity and quality in Romanian

Publication: Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, XV (2)
Publisher:Universitatea din București
Abstract:The present paper proposes that classifiers in Romanian pertain to two distinct categories: classifiers of quantity or “massifiers” and classifiers of quality or “count-classifiers”, to borrow the terms from Cheng and Sybesma (1999). The first category is represented by the first nominal in a pseudopartitive construction of the type o bucată de brânză / a piece of cheese (Tănase-Dogaru 2009). The second category is represented by the first nominal in the so-called restrictive appositives, an example of which is Planeta Venus / the planet Venus (van Riemsdijk 1998, Cornilescu 2007). An important result of the paper is the unification under a similar treatment of concepts which are generally offered different analyses in the literature.
Key words:classifier, massifier, pseudopartitive, restrictive appositives

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 1

7Alexandra CornilescuOn classifiers and proper namesBWPL, IX (1)2007pdf

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