Title: | Timpul etnic – o dimensiune a viziunii etnolingvale româneşti (în baza experimentului asociativ) |
Author: | Lilia Trinca |
Publication: | Philologia, LVI (5-6), p. 74 |
p-ISSN: | 1857-4300 |
Publisher: | Academia de Științe a Moldovei |
Place: | Chișinău |
Year: | 2014 |
Abstract: | Time is a multidimensional concept/category, much richer in features than a simple mathematical order. It has become communis opinio that the attitude towards time affects a personality directly: „A man is not born with a sense of time and space; his temporal and spatial concepts are determined by the culture he belongs to”. The present research is based on the idea that one of the manifestations of the cosmic time is the field of peoples’ existence – the ethnic time. Thus, besides being a cultural universal, the model of time is also an ethnic nuclear structure. |
Key words: | ethnic time, ethno-lingual picture, associative experiment, association, stimulus, reaction |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 4
104 | Eugeniu Coșeriu | Omul şi limbajul său Studii de filozofie a limbajului, teorie a limbii şi lingvistică generală | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 2009 | html |
3 | Iulian Popescu | Timp și limbaj Introducere în lingvistica lui Gustave Guillaume | Institutul European | 2006 | |
273 | Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu, Cristina Călărașu, Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela Mancaș, Gabriela Pană Dindelegan | Dicționar de științe ale limbii | Editura Nemira | 2001; 2005 | |
202 | Jean Chevalier, Alain Gheerbrant | Dicționar de simboluri Mituri, vise, obiceiuri, gesturi, forme, figuri, culori, numere. Vol. I (A–D), vol. II (E–O), vol. III (P–Z) | Artemis; Polirom | 1969, 1993-1995; 2009 |
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