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An Investigation into the Loan Translations in Old Romanian. Case Study: Gramatica fizicii

Publication: Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity, 11, p. 95
Publisher:Universitatea din Pitești
Abstract:The present paper examines the role played by loan-translations in the constitution process of the Romanian scientific lexicon. The text examined, a translation and adaptation of an Italian treaty of natural science, was elaborated by bishop Amphiloch of Hotin at the end of the 18th century and it is of a paramount importance for the history of our scientific terminology. The author presents the lexical loan-translations excerpted from the text, depending on their appurtenance to a specific scientific field (anatomy, physics, geography, astronomy), together with their etymons, and examines the way in which the scholar resorted to lexical loan- translations to render various scientific notions. The author also analyses the causes which led to their appearance in the scientific literature of the period in general and in this text, in particular.
Key words:loan-translations, old Romanian, scientific terminologies
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 15

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