Title: | Aspects of the vocabulary in Dimitrie Bolintineanu’s work |
Author: | Alina-Maria Tisoaică |
Publication: | Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity, 8, p. 143-147 |
p-ISSN: | 1843-1577 |
Publisher: | Universitatea din Pitești |
Place: | Pitești |
Year: | 2011 |
Abstract: | In the 19th century, the vocabulary of the Romanian language is generally part of the literary norms. The aspects concerning the vocabulary refer to the adaptation of neologisms and the use of archaic, regional and folk terms, but also to their coexistence within the vocabulary. At this stage of the Romanian language evolution, dominated by the French influence, in Bolintineanu’s work, there are to be found also Greek and Turkish words. |
Key words: | neologism, archaism, regionalism |
Language: | English |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 2
89 | N. A. Ursu, Despina Ursu | Împrumutul lexical în procesul modernizării limbii române literare (1760-1860) I. Studiu lingvistic și de istorie culturală; II. Repertoriu de cuvinte și forme; III. Repertoriu de cuvinte și forme. Supliment | Cronica | 2004; 2006; 2011 | |
9 | Gheorghe Bulgăr | Problemele limbii literare în concepția scriitorilor români | Editura Didactică și Pedagogică | 1966 |
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