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Les emprunts lexicaux roumains au français: approche lexicographique et sémantique du vocabulaire de la mode vestimentaire

Publication: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LVIII (2), p. 153-168
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The paper aims to develop the semantic contrastive analysis of the lexicographical descriptions of 3 items pertaining to the lexical field of clothing: Fr. blouse / Ro. bluză, Fr. veste / Ro. vestă, Fr. jupe / Ro. jupă. The semantic approach underlies the componential analysis of the specific traits making up the semanteme of the corresponding lexeme. Secondly, componential analysis and pragmatic and sociolinguistic considerations intertwine in order to more accurately map linguistic description to the evolution of the referents throughout time.
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 11

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7Mioara AvramContacte între română și alte limbi romaniceSCL, XXXIII (3), 2531982
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