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The Evolution of Romanian Medical Terminology

Publication: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, III (1-2), p. 92
Publisher:Editura Sitech
  • Present-day society permanently renews, transforms and changes itself in a dazzling rhythm, this having multiple consequences both on scientific domains and on language, namely on its vocabulary. The article deals with the analysis of the evolution of Romanian medical terminology, starting from a short history of medicine as a science and continuing with the description of the medical language in relation to the development of scientific language in general. The main study, however, is centered on the observation of the structure of the Romanian medical terminology starting with the 18th Century up to the present time.
  • La société d’aujourd’hui est sans cesse renouvelée, transformée et changée à un rythme vertigineux, avec des conséquences multiples tant dans les domaines scientifiques que dans la langue, particulièrement dans le vocabulaire. Cet article présente l’analyse de l’évolution de la terminologie médicale roumaine, à partir d’un court historique de la médecine comme science, continuant avec la description du langage médical liée au développement du langage scientifique en général. L’étude principale porte cependant sur l’analyse de la structure de la terminologie médicale roumaine dès le XVIIIe siècle et jusqu’à présent.
Key words:
  • evolution, terminology, internationalization, language, medicine
  • évolution, terminologie, internationalisation, langage, médicine
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 5

94Ștefan Munteanu, Vasile D. ȚâraIstoria limbii române literare
Privire generală
Editura Didactică și Pedagogică1983
228Gheorghe IvănescuIstoria limbii româneEditura Junimea1980; 2000
80Mircea SecheSchiță de istorie a lexicografiei române
I. De la origini până la 1880; II. De la 1880 până astăzi
Editura Științifică1966, 1969
107N. A. UrsuFormarea terminologiei ştiinţifice româneştiEditura Științifică1962
57Sextil PușcariuÉtudes de linguistique roumaineGeorg Olms Verlag1937

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