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Anglicism in the Romanian Political Language

Publication: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, I (1-2), p. 231
Publisher:Editura Sitech
Abstract:This article is intended to bring into attention some English terms, less known, which are prevailing used in Politics. Due to this idea, I have proposed a list of English terms with use in Politics and I have analyzed them in 2 stages: firstly, I have noticed the semantic aspect with the view of knowing their significances both in English and Romanian; secondly, I have paid attention to their orthographic and orthoepic aspect because during the borrowing into Romanian, some of these terms suffered some modifications worthy to be mentioned. In addition, I have also included in this analysis those Romanian borrowed terms characterized not by their English form, but by the meaning of the English terms. However, it is to be expected that in a few years the English terms will replace the translated terms following the example: politică de stânga < leftism as a consequence of the English terms` clarity and accuracy.
Key words:English influence, adapted borrowings, partial adapted borrowings, vocabulary, semantic analysis
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 3

9Mirela-Ioana BorchinManual de ortografie și punctuațieExcelsior Art2005
3Adriana Stoichițoiu-IchimInfluența engleză în terminologia politică a românei actualeAspecte, II2003pdf
75Valeria Guțu RomaloCorectitudine și greșeală
Limba română de azi
Editura Științifică; Humanitas Educațional1972; 2000, 2008

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