Title: | Versiuni ale Psalmilor la Dosoftei și Șerban Foarță |
Author: | Loredana Opăriuc |
Publication: | Text şi discurs religios, I, Section Retorica discursului religios, p. 345-352 |
p-ISSN: | 2066-4818 |
e-ISSN: | 2393-3402 |
Publisher: | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” |
Place: | Iași |
Year: | 2009 |
Abstract: | One of the most challenging literary attempts is the translation and reinterpretation of the Biblical books. We can read two variants of the Psalms, one from the beginning of the Romanian literature (Dosoftei’s Psalter in verses) and another written by a contemporary writer (Şerban Foarţă). These two works are not only distinct from the original (although not in the spirit of the text), but also considerably different between them. Both variants are highly musical. While Dosoftei’s Psalter multiplies the original text, Foarţă’s poems are closer to postmodern literature, compiling more versions. |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 2
95 | Eugen Munteanu | Lexicologie biblică românească | Humanitas | 2008 | html |
50 | Dosoftei; N. A. Ursu (ed.) | Psaltirea în versuri (1673) | Mitropolia Moldovei și Sucevei | 1974 |
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