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Despre imaginarul critic. Câteva ipoteze de lucru

Publication: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 11, p. 34
Publisher:Universitatea Petru Maior
Place:Târgu Mureș
Abstract:This paper investigates the literariness of the critical discourse, by analysing what could be called its imaginary dimension. More specifically, we have advanced the hypothesis that there is an imaginary typical to literary criticism, which, although closely tied to the imaginary of the works examined, cannot be trimmed down to the latter. Our hypothesis has been then verified by the comparative analysis of two critical studies concerning the same author: Opera lui Mihai Eminescu [Mihai Eminescu’s Work] (5 vol., 1934-1936; second edition, 2 vol., 1969) by G. Călinescu and Poezia lui Eminescu [Eminescu’s Poetry] (1967) by I. Negoiţescu. Therefore, we have shown that, whereas G. Călinescu projects himself in his own critical discourse as an archaeologist, I. Negoiţescu envisages his own approach as the result of an alchemist’s operations, an alchemist who no longer seeks The All, but the original. The conclusion of our paper is that a critic’s imaginary shapes the configuration of a literary representation to the same extent as his method.
Key words:critical imaginary, literariness, G. Călinescu, I. Negoiţescu, representations
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 0

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