“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)

Dicţionarele terminologice multilingve. Clasificare şi tip dominant

Publication: Limba română, LXVI (4), p. 518-526
Omagiu lui Marius Sala la aniversarea a 85 de ani
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:[Multilingual terminological dictionaries. Classification and dominant type]
In the Romanian lexicography, the multilingual terminological dictionaries develop in the context of the progress of science and technology, the establishment of terminology discipline and the standardization of the terminologies. International classifications of this type of dictionary are based on three criteria: vocabulary selection, macrostructural organization and microstructural configuration. Classification of Romanian works requires consideration of a fourth criterion: the definition. The dominant type is the multilingual terminological dictionary, explanatory in the sourse language.
Key words:
  • dicţionar terminologic, dicţionar multilingv, context conceptual, limbă sursă, limbă ţintă
  • terminological dictionary, multilingual dictionary, conceptual context, source language, target language
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 2

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