“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)

Erori în analiza sintactică a frazei

Publication: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 18, p. 83
Publisher:Universitatea Petru Maior
Place:Târgu Mureș
Abstract:Syntactic segmentation of a phrase in Romanian is not a difficult operation if the user has some basic grammatical knowledge. But there can be some ambiguity in this segmentation if one does not see all the syntactic aspects that are implied, such as the connectors, the regent and its nature. One of the consequences of an incorrect delimitation is the incorrect interpretation of the subordinate sentence.
Key words:sentence, phrase, subordination, connector, syntactic segmentation
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 4

9Mirela-Ioana BorchinManual de ortografie și punctuațieExcelsior Art2005
129Gabriela Pană DindeleganElemente de gramatică
Dificultăţi, controverse, noi interpretări
Humanitas Educaţional2003
62Corneliu DimitriuTratat de gramatică a limbii române
II. Sintaxa
Institutul European2001, 2002; 2009
75Valeria Guțu RomaloCorectitudine și greșeală
Limba română de azi
Editura Științifică; Humanitas Educațional1972; 2000, 2008

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