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De la lat. frāter (REW) la protorom. */’φratr-e/ (DÉRom)

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XX (1)
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:According to Romanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (REW), lat. frater was inherited in Romance languages with one (it. frate, rom. frate) or two (fr. frère) vibrant speech sounds and with two meanings “brother” and/or „monk”. Christianity loaded semantically much of the Latin lexicon, and some Romance words keep only the new meaning. The early Christians, disciples of Jesus Christ, were designated as “Christians” from outside, and as “brothers” from inside, first by Jesus Christ himself, and then between them (rom. fraţi în Hristos, fr. frères en Jésus-Christ). Lat. frater with the meaning “christian” is attested at the end of the second century and the biblical attestations make from this meaning a biblical meaning. During the fourth century AD, with the emergence of the monasticism, lat. frater is used as a title between monks (meaning “monk” attested at the end of the fourth century). Opinions are divided on the casual Latin form from which come the Romance words: nominative frater or accusative fratrem with Latin or Romance dissimilation of vibrant speech sounds. The dissimilate form conserved in Sardinian, the Protoromance and Romance semantic variation in kinship and religious field are just a few reasons for formal and semantic reconstruction of Protorom. */’φratr-e/, using comparative grammar reconstruction developped in the project Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom). The purpose of this paper is to highlight the reconstructive method as a complementary method to the traditional Romance etymology.
Key words:
  • frate, limbi romanice, reconstrucţie, DÉRom, REW
  • brother, Romance languages, reconstruction, DÉRom, REW
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 14

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