Title: | Interferențe lingvistice „sacru/profan” în spațiul romanic |
Author: | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă |
Publication: | Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXIII (1), p. 73-94 |
p-ISSN: | 0039-405X |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | București |
Year: | 2012 |
Abstract: | Our research is meant to prove, from a comparative perspective (Romanian, French, Italian and Spanish), the major impact of the religious terminology on everyday language. Considering the ability of some religious terms to generate language, they can be named “passe-partout” words. Our corpus includes terms designating fundamental Christian concepts: Christian divinities (înger “angel”, Dumnezeu “God”, drac “devil”), liturgic formulae (aleluia “hallelujah”, amin “amen”, chiraleisa “Lord have mercy”), common religious terms (preot “priest”, sfânt “saint”, boteza “to baptize”, creştin “christian”, cruce “cross”). By sharing the Christian religion, the Neo-Latin nations also share a common forma mentis identified at the language level as well. A proof in this direction is the Latin common heritage of romance sayings. The fact that the Romanian people belongs to the Orthodox Church has consequences at the language level. Romanian displays typological features meant to individualise it within the Romance linguistic context. The position of Romania between Carpathians, Danube and the Black Sea is responsible for a series of linguistic contacts specific to Romanian as a Neo-Latin language. The analysis of specific phenomena revealed the distinct position of Romanian within Romance context. For example, a consequence of areal linguistic contact of Romanian is the richness of synonymic series, as compared to the sister languages. This is the reason why Romanian is the only one in Romance context not to preserve the descendent of Latin sanctus “saint” as a “passe-partout” word, this place being filled by the Slavic origin word sfânt “saint”. Romanian is the only one that conserved the Latin draco “devil” (and diavol “devil” as well). The complex aspects of Romanian heritage can be completely grasped only considering the rural character of the Latin language at the origin of Romanian, the specific development context and the popular character of the Orthodox Church. |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | html |
Citations to this publication: 4
0 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Agreement vs discrepancy concerning the lexicographical definition and discursive use of wonder psychological verbs. On the concept of ‛wonder’ in Romanian, French and Spanish | GIDNI, 4, 283-293 | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Continuité vs. discontinuité formelle et sémantico-stylistique dans la Romania : à propos de quelques termes religieux hérités du latin (I) | Phil. Jass., XII (1), 117 | 2016 | |
0 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Termes religieux hérités du latin avec une aire de diffusion restreinte dans le contexte roman | CILPR2013/2, 205-215 | 2016 | pdf html |
2 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Termes religieux hérités du latin à diffusion restreinte dans la Romania | RRL, LIX (2), 189-202 | 2014 | pdf html |
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