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A Phrasal Movement Analysis of the Romanian DP

Publication: Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Secțiunea IIIe. Lingvistică, XLIX-L, p. 129
Studia linguistica et philologica in honorem D. Irimia
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Citations to this publication: 13

2Alexandru NicolaeThe licensing of nominal and verbal ellipsis in RomanianEditura Universității din București2019
6Alexandra Cornilescu, Alexandru NicolaeClassified Proper Names in Old Romanian: Person and DefinitenessDPs, 1002015
8Alexandru NicolaeOn the Syntactic Specialization of Romanian Demonstratives and the Grammaticalization of the article celRRL, LX (1)2015pdf
1Ion GiurgeaRomanian AL and the syntax of case headsBWPL, XVI (2)2014pdf
2Ion GiurgeaConstrucţia cu dublă definitudine în limba de azi şi în limba vecheDiacronie–sincronie, I, 1092014pdf
9Raluca Brăescu, Adina DragomirescuSintaxa adjectivelor relaţionale în limba română vecheLR, LXIII (1), 27-472014pdf
52Adam Ledgeway
  • From Latin to Romance
    Morphosyntactic Typology and Change
  • De la latină la limbile romanice
    Schimbare morfosintactică și tipologică
Oxford University Press; Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold2012; 2017
1Alexandra Cornilescu, Alexandru NicolaeArgumental remnants with nominal ellipsis?Direcții, I, 712012pdf
24Alexandra Cornilescu, Alexandru NicolaeNominal Peripheries and Phase Structure in the Romanian DPRRL, LVI (1), 35-682011pdf
6Alexandra Cornilescu, Alexandru NicolaeOn the history of Romanian genitives: The prenominal genitiveBWPL, XIII (2)2011pdf
25Alexandra Cornilescu, Alexandru NicolaeOn the syntax of Romanian definite phrases: Changes in the patterns of definiteness checkingNP Rom. Germ., 1932011pdf
2Alexandru Nicolae, Alexandra CornilescuOn nominal ellipsis and the valuation of definiteness in romanianBWPL, XII (1)2010pdf
1Giuliana GiustiConcord and agreement in the Romance nominal expressionBWPL, IX (1)2007pdf

References in this publication: 0

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