Title: | Note morfologice |
Author: | Romulus Todoran |
Publication: | Cercetări de lingvistică, I (1-4), p. 125 |
p-ISSN: | 0373-1545 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | Cluj-Napoca |
Year: | 1956 |
Citations to this publication: 2
3 | Martin Maiden | The Latin ‘third stem’ and its Romance descendants | Diachronica, 30 (4), 492-530 | 2013 | |
2 | Maria Marin | Particularităţi lingvistice comune unor zone submontane din Transilvania | LR, LXI (3), 337-344 | 2012 | pdf html |
References in this publication: 0
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