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Formarea antroponimelor: sufixul grecesc -ache (-achi)

Publication: Philologia, LIV (3-4), p. 106-113
Publisher:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Abstract:The Romanian language has always been in a dynamic process of linguistic interference, favored by the geographical, political, economic, cultural context.
Besides words, the Romanian language borrowed suffixes. One of them is the suffix -ache (-achi), which is of Greek origin. In the original language it formed only diminutives, especially from first names. Due to imposed strategies and family traditions, this suffix has experienced a period of prosperity throughout the Greek rule. During the evolution of our literary language it marked a separate period of Greek influence. Today the suffix -ache (-achi) doesn’t form new derivatives, but it is found in ready formations, namely in last names.
Key words:linguistic interference, Greek influence, denominative system, last name, suffix, antroponymic derivatives
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 7

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4Pârvu BoerescuDificultăţi ale etimologiei limbii române: este hahaleră un cuvânt creat de I.L.Caragiale?LR, LV (3-4), 1332006html
228Gheorghe IvănescuIstoria limbii româneEditura Junimea1980; 2000
53Haralambie MihăescuInfluenţa grecească asupra limbii române
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136Alexandru GraurNume de persoaneEditura Științifică1965
46Alexandru GraurÎncercare asupra fondului principal lexical al limbii româneEditura Academiei1954
129Giorge PascuSufixele româneștiLibrăriile SOCEC & Co.1916

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