Diacronia 5, March 23, 2017, art. A79 (p. 1–12)

Literature as discursive interstice

Dumitru Tucan


Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, West University, Bd. Vasile Pârvan 4, 300223 Timișoara, Romania


Received December 1, 2016
Accepted December 24, 2016
Published March 23, 2017

Key words

literary pragmatics
literary theory


Starting with a famously popular case of literary genesis, which is the rewriting of the theatre play English Without a Teacher in the new variant of The Bald Soprano, this paper aims at analysing the complex relationship between textual objects of literary pretension and the literary space. The paper’s assumed perspective derives from the pragmatics of literary discourse (cf. Maingueneau, 2007), while at the same time it is concerned with analysing the processual features of literary phenomena. It seems that these features can only be analysed in relation to the metamorphoses of the social and cultural imaginary. Emphasizing these relational features of the notion of literature across history and also emphasizing the capacity of literature to remain in a process of continual metamorphosis while being in close contact with the textual objects which seek to challenge its stability, and at the same time, emphasizing the status of literature as ‘discursive interstice’ or as ‘self-constituting discourse’, the paper sets out to show the fact that textual objects which aim at transgressing the ‘literary space’ are in fact the signals released from the pressure history and the cultural metamorphoses it has generated exercises on the literary phenomenon. This pressure seems to have offered literature a transgressive dimension.


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    Text:Tucan, D. (2017). Literature as discursive interstice, Diacronia 5 (March 23), A79 (1–12),
     author = {Dumitru Tucan},
     title = {Literature as discursive interstice},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2017},
     month = {March},
     number = {5},
     eid = {A79},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–12)",
     url = {}


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