Diacronia 5, March 23, 2017, art. A74 (p. 1–5)

Tourism advertising and cyberspaces of travelling

Ana Crăciunescu


Faculty of Letters and Communication Sciences, “Ștefan cel Mare” University, Str. Universității 13, 720229 Suceava, Romania


Received December 30, 2016
Accepted January 19, 2017
Published March 23, 2017

Key words

tourism advertising


In the context of cyber-globalization, notions such as ‘space’ and ‘place’ are reconsidered from anthropologic and consumerist studies points of view. We aim at describing space and place in the light of tourism advertising as we include all the three notions in the category of nowadays important social phenomena. At the same time, the media appears in our debate as a second layer of space that positions potential hosts and potentials tourists in a different type of relation and perception of space and place. Yet, we are mainly preoccupied by the discursive aspect of space-place couple within virtual touristic experience, considered as prospective reading that may generate real exchange in the destination. This will inevitably lead us to an interdisciplinary research as we aim at balancing our study between cultural anthropology and socio-semiotics.


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    Text:Crăciunescu, A. (2017). Tourism advertising and cyberspaces of travelling, Diacronia 5 (March 23), A74 (1–5),
     author = {Ana Crăciunescu},
     title = {Tourism advertising and cyberspaces of travelling},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2017},
     month = {March},
     number = {5},
     eid = {A74},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–5)",
     url = {}


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