Diacronia 14, December 12, 2021, art. A198 (p. 1–9)

Romanian Slavonic in Unicode: problems and solutions

Ion-Mihai Felea


Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Bd. Carol I 11, 700506 Iași, Romania


Received September 25, 2021
Accepted October 13, 2021
Published December 12, 2021

Key words

text editing
old literature


Editors of Slavonic and Slavonic–Romanian text can make use of a large variety of tools (fonts, physical and virtual keyboard layouts, word processors, operating systems) for transcribing and digitizing these texts in a uniform manner. The uniformity of the transcripts is based on Unicode standardization. Our study aims at explaining the place of Slavonic in Unicode and at briefly describing the most accessible tools. To this end, we shall describe the working tools from a historical and functional perspective and then provide examples in which those tools can be or have already been used to obtain a more accurate transcript. The user can choose from the existing methods and tools according to his/her purposes, needs and means. A better understanding of technical data can reduce the working time, improve transcription, accelerate learning times and generally make an editor’s work much easier.


  • Full text (in English; 9 p., 647 KB)
  • One reference and 0 citations in BDD
  • Export citation
    Text:Felea, I. (2021). Romanian Slavonic in Unicode: problems and solutions, Diacronia 14 (December 12), A198 (1–9),
     author = {Ion-Mihai Felea},
     title = {Romanian Slavonic in Unicode: problems and solutions},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2021},
     month = {December},
     number = {14},
     eid = {A198},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–9)",
     url = {}


© 2021 The Authors. Publishing rights belong to the Journal. The article is freely accessible under the terms and conditions of the CC-BY Open Access licence.

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