The modernization of the Romanian standard language according to G. Ivănescu
Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Bd. Carol I 11, 700506 Iași, Romania
Received April 15, 2020
Accepted May 6, 2020
Published June 10, 2020
Our survey synthetically exposes G. Ivănescu’s main ideas with respect to the notion of standard language in general and its modernization process in particular. This undertaking is a component of a larger research of Ivănescu’s diachronic conception, which I have worked on for the last few years. As a result, the concept of standard language is approached here from a holistic perspective, that of the entire history of Romanian language, which, after all, it actually belongs to. This is the reason why some elements of the written language are related to the history of the spoken language and the principles of its research.
Our aim is pointing out the originality of this conception, which is divergent from that of the linguists in Bucharest, against a background characterized by a decreasing interest in in diachronic linguistics as compared to that in synchronic studies. Ivănescu succeeds in developing his original linguistic theory, relying on historical and socio‑linguistic supporting arguments, which deepens, adds up to, and sometimes even contradicts the ideas of both his forerunners and his contemporaries.
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