Sorina-Crina Ghiață

During my first three years of academic studies (2014-2017), I studied, at the Faculty of Letters (the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași), French Language and Literature and Spanish Language and Literature, finishing with a bachelor thesis based on the baroque influence in Jean Racine's masterpiece, Phaedra.

Refering to my Master's degree, between 2017 and 2019 I did continue with my studies in Language, Literature and Spanish civilization, at the same University. I did also accomplish an Erasmus+ exchange semester at the University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. The Master's Thesis refers to the most important novel of Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits and it's magical realism characteristics.

Currently, I am a PhD Student and the researching project is based on the theatre plays of the Spanish Golden Age and the French ‹‹ Grand Siècle ››, traduced and analyzed by the romanian authors.

Articles published in “Diacronia”

ArticleDiacronia 12, December 27, 2020, A173
Issues in Latin America. Sociocultural contrasts and their representations in contemporary literature

Other publications

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