Cristinel Munteanu

Cristinel Munteanu

Cristinel Munteanu, PhD in Philology and PhD in Philosophy, is currently Professor, Dr. Habil., at "Danubius" University of Galați, and director of the Center for Hermeneutics "Symbols and Texts" at the same university. He is also affiliated to the Doctoral School of Philology belonging to UNSTPB, University Center of Pitești. He published Sinonimia frazeologică în limba română din perspectiva lingvisticii integrale (2007), Lingvistica integrală coşeriană. Teorie, aplicații și interviuri (2012), Frazeologie românească. Formare și funcționare (2013), Tradition and Innovation in Language and Linguistics. A Coserian Perspective (2017), John Dewey și problema sensului. Premise pentru constituirea unei hermeneutici integrale (2019); he has also written more than 200 articles. Fields of interest: philosophy of language, hermeneutics, the theory of language, semantics, phraseology, text linguistics.

Articles published in “Diacronia”

ObituaryDiacronia 12, December 27, 2020, A177

ArticleDiacronia 12, December 27, 2020, A168
From noematology to hermeneutics. Nicolae I. Apostolescu’s perspective

MementoDiacronia 11, June 10, 2020

EssayDiacronia 10, November 7, 2019, A149
The relation between theory and reality in Eugeniu Coșeriu and José Ortega y Gasset

MementoDiacronia 10, November 7, 2019

MementoDiacronia 9, May 7, 2019

Book reviewDiacronia 8, October 7, 2018, A125
Ștefan Afloroaei, Privind altfel lumea celor absurde, Editura Humanitas, București, 2013, 214 p.

Other publications

“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)