Armanda Ramona Stroia

Armanda Ramona Stroia

Armanda Stroia holds a Bachelor's degree in Philology (Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca) and a master’s degree from ULB Sibiu. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled The Linguistic Cliché in the Contemporary Romanian Media, under the scientific coordination of Prof. dr. habil. Oliviu Felecan, from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North Baia Mare University Center. She won several European grants and scholarships through the competition, which facilitated her participation in professional development courses (Portugal, Spain, Finland, England, Italy). She has published reviews and articles in the field of lexicology, pragma- and psycholinguistics, onomastics, sociology of media communication, English language teaching, in journals such as “Diacronia”, “Romanian Language” (Bucharest), Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching “(Cyprus),” Critical Meridian, Annals of the University “Stefan cel Mare” (Suceava), as well as in proceedings (International Conference on Onomastics “Name and Naming”; International Conference “Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity”, International Conference “Critical Discourse and Linguistic Variation”).



Articles published in “Diacronia”

ArticleDiacronia 12, December 27, 2020, A172
Journalistic clichés under the conceptual “umbrella” of isotopies: “linguistic pathologies in vogue” or “mirror-words” of psychosocial reality?

Book reviewDiacronia 3, February 12, 2016, A45
Mădălina Bălășescu, Mass-media: reprezentări sociale și stereotipuri. Societate, democrație, rol social, Editura Tritonic, București, 284 p.

Other publications

“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)