Title: | Câteva trăsături ale unui dicţionar dialectal |
Author: | Maria Marin |
Publication: | Lucrările celui de-al XIV-lea Simpozion Internațional de Dialectologie, p. 254 |
ISBN: | 978-973-109-354-3 |
Editors: | Nicolae Mocanu, Dumitru Loșonți, Eugen Beltechi |
Publisher: | Argonaut, Scriptor |
Place: | Cluj-Napoca |
Year: | 2012 |
Abstract: | The author presents a few remarks concerning certain features of The Dictionary of the South Daco-Romanian Idioms [Dicţionarul graiurilor dacoromâne sudice] (DGS), by Ion Ionică, Maria Marin, Anca Marinescu, Iulia Mărgărit, Teofil Teaha, which the first volume appeared in 2009 (letters A–C), the second one is to be published in 2010 (letters D–O) and the last one will be printed in 2011. The dictionary exploits the lexical material from Oltenia, Muntenia, Dobrogea, existing in dialectal archives of the Institute of Linguistics „Iorgu Iordan–Al. Rosetti”. Without being an exhaustive work on the Muntenian type idioms of Daco-Romanian, it contains only a „section” of their evolution, catching the struggles, the hesitations, the searches, but also the spontaneous creativity specific to oral language version. The richness and the variety of dialectal vocabulary included in this work, offer, among others, new possibilities of interpretation, different from the ones from general dictionaries of Romanian language, new etymological solutions, but also important suggestions of morphological nature. Of the latter, the author insists on a new ending, in -i, for nouns of neuter gender, generated by the formal similarities between the neuter and feminine nouns. It is also highlighted the onomasiologic aspect of DGS, given by the consistent settlement of synonymic correspondences between the terms included in the dictionary. |
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Language: | Romanian |
Links: |
Citations to this publication: 2
2 | Maria Marin | Importanţa lexicului dialectal pentru Dicţionarul-tezaur al limbii române | LR, LXIII (1), 49 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Maria Marin | Termeni pentru viclean în graiurile dacoromâne sudice | FD, XXX, 21 | 2011 |
References in this publication: 6
4 | Maria Marin | Despre desinența -i la substantivele neutre în graiurile muntenești | Brâncuș, 135 | 2010 | |
2 | Maria Marin | Câteva observații etimologice | FD, XXVII, 177 | 2008 | |
16 | Mioara Avram | Studii de morfologie a limbii române | Editura Academiei | 2005 | |
4 | Mioara Avram | Despre desinența -uri la substantivele feminine | AUI, XLIX-L, 63 | 2003-2004 | |
5 | Grigore Brâncuș | Graiul din Muntenia | LR, XXII (1), 37 | 1973 | |
208 | Ovid Densusianu | Istoria limbii române II. Secolul al XVI-lea | Ernest Leroux; J. Byck | 1938; 1961 |
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