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The proportion of loan translation, loan and translation in forming the Romanian IT / computers vocabulary

Publication: The Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity. Section: Language and Discourse, 1, p. 354-363
Editors:Iulian Boldea
Publisher:Arhipelag XXI Press
Abstract:Contemporary Romanian language, as any other natural language, evolves and changes every moment. In order to talk about these changes, regarding the Informatics domain, as the object of our study, we need a particular language containing all terms used to operate the Romanian language; thus, this language is a part of our research content. The attention of our philologists focused more on linguistic aspects on loans, predominantly of a descriptive perspective. All these included: the etymology, the means of ingression for technical terminology into Romanian, the areas of words circulation, their graphic adaptation, the phonetic and morphological adaptation, and also the way the words or expressions in the dictionaries were recorded.First, the main purpose of this study was to research the relation among loans, loan translations and translations in the evolution of Romanian Scientific language. Implicitly, we referred to the times of their ingress in Romanian, and the stage of development and their usage in the specialized registry or in the common language. Then, we tried to examine the adapting process of computer terms to the specific of Romanian language, their integration into various styles of language, i.e., phonetic, morphological, lexical and semantic problems of these words.Finally, we did an inventory and a statistics of the corpus selected from working material for the present research, and we found out that the terminology of IT language reached an impressive number. Therefore, we may affirm that most of the Romanian IT vocabulary, nowadays, comes from the English language, about 90%.
Key words:IT / Informatics language, loans, loan translations, translations, statistics
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 6

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