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Coincidentia „oppositorum”

Publication: Înspre şi dinspre Cluj : contribuţii lingvistice : omagiu profesorului G. G. Neamţu la 70 de ani, p. 227-235
Editors:Ionuț Pomian, Nicolae Mocanu
Abstract:[„Coincidentia oppositorum”]
The article discusses one of the old issues of grammar, especially of syntactics, applied, this time, to the Romanian language. It is about the status of the verb to be (as the representative of a specific category of verbs): copulative or predicative. The article takes into consideration only the views contesting the copulative character of to be and, implicitly, the notion of “nominal predicate”, “copula” and “predicative”. These views come from both the logistic direction, illustrated in the article by some of G. Ivănescu’s fundamental studies, and from the generative-transformational direction, illustrated by Gabriela Pană Dindelegan’s study on the Romanian syntax. At the crossing of these two directions stays G. G. Neamţu’s thesis (in Neamţu 1986). Eventually, the article revises the solutions provided by GBLR. Based on the studies mentioned above, the author of the article considers that the verb to be and the other verbs in its class are to be considered predicative verbs, with the syntactic function of a verbal predicate, the former predicative being an adjunct/complement of the predicate (verb).
Key words:
  • copulă, verb copulativ, predicat nominal, predicat verbal
  • copula, link verb, nominal predicate, verbal predicate
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

46G. G. NeamțuPredicatul în limba română
O reconsiderare a predicatului nominal
Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică1986
45Gabriela Pană DindeleganSintaxa limbii române
Partea I: Sintaxa grupului verbal
Tipografia Universității din București; Editura Aula1976; 1999
8D. D. DrașoveanuSintagma „verb + adjectiv” – o certitudine?CL, XVIII (2), 2651973
66Antoine MeilletLinguistique historique et linguistique généraleChampion/Slatkine1912, 1921; 1982

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