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Bilingvismul – din perspectiva contactelor româno-engleze

Publication: Identitatea culturală românească în contextul integrării europene, Section Lingvistică, p. 79-88
Editors:Marius-Radu Clim, Ofelia Ichim, Laura Manea, Florin-Teodor Olariu
Publisher:Editura Alfa
Abstract:[The Romanian English Contacts: A Bilingual Approach]
Our paper – The Romanian English Contacts A Bilingual Approach – deals with an important matter: the way in which English words influence the Romanian vocabulary, especially, the effects of these Anglicisms upon the phonetical, morphological and semantic Romanian strata. In this way, we choose a number of words (trend, brand, cool, business, mass media) from different newspapers, to express, linguistically speaking, the Romanian-English contacts. The results of our studies are that some Anglicisms adapt into Romanian only from a phonetical viewpoint (e.g. cool, business), the others enrich our language with new meanings (brand, trend) and some English borrowings adapt to the Romanian strata only from a graphic point of view (mass media).
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

15Ioan LobiucContactele dintre limbi
I. Istoricul teoriilor și metodologiilor
Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”; Demiurg Plus1998; 2004
99Mioara AvramAnglicismele în limba română actualăEditura Academiei1997
32John LyonsIntroducere în lingvistica teoreticăEditura Științifică1995
343Alexandru CiorănescuDicționarul etimologic al limbii române
Diccionario etimológico rumano
Universidad de La Laguna; Editura Saeculum I.O.1958; 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007

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