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Din istoria culturală a unui concept afectiv – patriotism. Analiză contextual-semantică

Publication: Perspective comparative și diacronice asupra limbii române, Section Istoria limbii române, filologie, p. 403
Editors:Mihaela Viorica Constantinescu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Gabriela Stoica, Rodica Zafiu
Publisher:Editura Universității din București
Abstract:[Insights into the cultural history of an emotion concept – patriotism. A contextual-semantic analysis]
The paper deals with the diachronic evolution of a particular emotion concept, love of country/patriotism, delineated as such starting with the Early Modern period (1780-1840), as a consequence of the intersection with the Western European principles and philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment. Concepts like country [patrie], nation [naţie], people [neam] are (re)discovered and (re)valued and, accordingly, new associated emotions are being laid emphasis on: love of country, national pride etc. Patriotism becomes a central emotion concept, undergoing lexical-semantic renewal and diversification; the lexicon of patriotism implies old words, contextually reinvested (dragoste, iubire, etc.), as well as new terms, polysemous (amor, ardoare) or with a very precise meaning (patriotism, patriot, naţionalism, naţionalist, filopatrie, etc.). The semantic analysis of this lexicon in context (affective isotopies, lexical collocations, etc.) throws into prominence the saliency of patriotism within the cultural affective model of the Early Modern Romanian time.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 4

19Gabriela StoicaAfect și afectivitate
Conceptualizare şi lexicalizare în româna veche
Editura Universității din București2012
39Maria Stanciu IstrateCalcul lingvistic în limba română
(Cu specială referire la scrieri beletristice din secolul al XIX-lea)
Editura Academiei2006
165Alfred Ernout, Antoine MeilletDictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine
Histoire des mots
Klincksieck1932; 1939; 1951; 2001
21Teodor StamatiDisionăraşu românescu de cuvinte tehnice şi altele greu de înţelesuTipografia Buciumului Român1851; 1856

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