Title: | Ion Luca Caragiale - ca lingvist autentic: “Lecții” pentru prezent și pentru viitor |
Author: | Constantin Manea |
Publication: | Studii de filologie in honorem Ștefan Găitănaru, p. 237 |
ISBN: | 978-606-560-493-3 |
Editors: | Liliana Soare, Adrian Sămărescu, Adina Dumitru |
Publisher: | Editura Universității din Pitești |
Place: | Pitești |
Year: | 2016 |
Abstract: | The present paper is the continuation of some of the author’s older preoccupations with the Romanian language as used and professed by some of the classics of our national literature, including I. L. Caragiale. The latter’s literary work (especially his prose pieces) gave us the chance of recording a number of reflective remarks and queries concerning mainly the standardization of the current neologistic inflow, as well as other linguistic aspects of usage. |
Key words: | Caragiale, neologisms, loan translation, etymology, standardization, solecisms, usage, satire |
Language: | Romanian |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 1
2 | Constantin Manea | Remarques sur le vocabulaire néologique chez Nicolae Filimon et I.L. Caragiale: emprunt lexical, calque, adaptation | Phil. Jass., IX (2), 175-183 | 2013 | pdf html |
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