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Free relative clauses with quantificational reading in Old Romanian

Publication: The Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity. Section: Language and Discourse, 1, p. 17-22
Editors:Iulian Boldea
Publisher:Arhipelag XXI Press
Abstract:A rather extensive literature deals with the semantic properties of free relatives (FR) with ‘ever’. Investigations focus mostly on the variation between definite and universal readings of FRs, in an attempt to correlate the occurrence of the morpheme ever to the quantificational force, and on the idea that identity vs. free-choice reading of FRs with ‘ever’ is determined contextually.
The present work explores the contextual features that might be responsible for the quantificational reading of some plain FRs in old Romanian. In the 16-th century, ‘ori’-Rel words (compound relative words with indefinite value, equivalent to the English Rel-ever: oricine/oarecine ‘whoever’, orice ‘whatever’, oricum ‘however’ etc.) only accidentally occur as relative connectors in Romanian original texts. Still, in the absence of an ‘ori’- operator (Engl. ‘ever’), many FRs acquire quantificational reading. The paper attempts at identifying the contextual factors that may be responsible for triggering the quantificational reading of plain FRs in old Romanian.
Key words:Free relative clauses, old Romanian, quantificational force, indefinite relative words
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 5

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