Title: | Convențional și neconvențional în numirea magazinelor online |
Author: | Silvia Dimănescu |
Publication: | Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a III-a: Conventional / unconventional in onomastics, p. 662 |
ISBN: | 978-606-543-671-8 |
Editors: | Oliviu Felecan |
Publisher: | Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut |
Place: | Cluj-Napoca |
Year: | 2015 |
Abstract: | [Conventional and unconventional in naming online shops] The present paper proposes an interdisciplinary approach, from the perspective of psycho- and sociolinguistics, to the sociocultural motivations that underlie commercial names in virtual space. The research compares names of online shops to names of shops in Romanian urban space. In order to define and describe the onomastic samples, the study starts from the relationship conventional- unconventional in naming. The context from which the names are collected is presented from the same viewpoint, taking into consideration the influence of the English language on the Romanian language and culture, as an increasingly marked effect of globalisation. This analysis is built using theories borrowed from mathematics and physics, adapted to linguistics – onomastics, in particular. At the same time, the study is aimed at investigating the psychological, cultural and social reasons that determine potential buyers to use the websites in question. |
Key words: | interdisciplinarity, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, conventional, unconventional |
Language: | Romanian |
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Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 5
41 | Daiana Felecan | Pragmatica numelui și a numirii neconvenționale De la paradigme teoretice la practici discursive | Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut | 2014 | |
3 | Daiana Felecan | Antroponimia formelor de numire neconvenționale – Perspectivă lingvistică și culturală | ICONN 2, 756 | 2013 | pdf html |
28 | Oliviu Felecan | Un excurs onomastic în spațiul public românesc actual | Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut | 2013 | |
3 | Ana-Maria Teodorescu | Aspecte ale deixisului în textul media. Un posibil punct de vedere | SIL4, 515 | 2012 | |
5 | Daiana Felecan | Antroponimele neoficiale (an) – realizări discursive ale „nivelului individual” al limbajului | Studia UPM, 13, 79-87 | 2012 | pdf html |
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