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Anthroponymes non officiels dans le discours public roumain sur le football

Publication: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a III-a: Conventional / unconventional in onomastics, p. 339
Editors:Oliviu Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Abstract:[Unofficial anthroponyms in Romanian public discourse regarding football]
The paper aims at examining, from a threefold perspective (pragmatic, socio-onomastic and discursive), a corpus of about 100 unofficial anthroponyms (uOA) that are used in Romanian public discourse to designate, in an informal manner, professional football players, coaches and club managers.
Three types of uOA were analysed as products of the naming performed by various categories of name givers (sports journalists, coaches, team members, supporters) with specific communicative functions: hypocoristics, expressing familiarity, affection and solidarity; bynames (Romanian supranume, French surnom), displaying neutral or favourable/admiring semantic values; nicknames (Romanian poreclă, French sobriquet), used with an ironic intention in relation to negative traits of the nickname bearer.
Key words:unofficial anthroponym, naming strategies, hypocoristic, byname, nickname
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 9

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De la paradigme teoretice la practici discursive
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1Anna TsepkovaNicknames and culture: Analysing anthroponymic nicknames, reflecting cultural realiaICONN 2, 8312013pdf
3Andrei A. AvramTrunchierea numelor de persoană în limba românăIpostaze, I, 112011
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13Nicolae FelecanCategoriile antroponimice: nume, supranume, poreclăOnomasticon, I, 812010
87Adriana Stoichițoiu-IchimCreativitate lexicală în româna actualăEditura Universității din București2006
59Valeria Guțu RomaloAspecte ale evoluției limbii româneHumanitas Educațional2005
136Alexandru GraurNume de persoaneEditura Științifică1965

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