“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)

Structuri afective organizate cu prepoziţia pentru în limba română

Publication: Variația lingvistică: probleme actuale. Actele celui de-al 14-lea Colocviu Internațional al Departamentului de Lingvistică, 1, p. 123
Editors:Rodica Zafiu, Isabela Nedelcu
Publisher:Editura Universității din București
Abstract:[Affective structures built with the preposition pentru ‘for’ in Romanian]
In Romanian, the pattern X(EXP.) + AFFECT + for + Y(BF.) proves productive, varied and rather common. The affective feature of these constructions is given through psychological verbs, through adjectival participles formed from such verbs and through abstract nouns bearing the feature [+ Affect]. In such structures, the elements X(Experiencer) and Y(Beneficiary) have the feature [+ Animate]. By analysing affective constructions we concluded that, the most frequent are the patterns organised with a reflexive verb, with an ‘affect’ noun, with an adjective near a copula verb and those in the Dative. From a semantic perspective, the affective structures express emotions, experience, sympathy, compassion, empathy or disapproval.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

1Carolina PopușoiUn tipar afectiv marginalizatDindelegan, 3392017

References in this publication: 3

2Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru NicolaeExprimarea „beneficiarului” în limba românăDindelegan2007
396Valeria Guțu Romalo (coord.)GALR
Gramatica limbii române. I. Cuvântul; II. Enunțul
Editura Academiei2005; 2008
13Camelia StanCategoria cazuluiEditura Universităţii din Bucureşti2005

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