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On the current perception of proper names

Publication: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a II-a: Onomastica din spațiul public actual, p. 52
Editors:Oliviu Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Abstract:The paper focuses on the way in which Romanian young people with an allegedly high level of education perceive their Christian names and analyses the results of a questionnaire administered to a group of over 50 Romanian students. The questionnaire dealt with semantic and pragmatic aspects. The former category includes: the nature of the motivation involved in choosing a certain name/a set of proper names; the relation proper name (and its features) – current referent who bears the name (and his/her features). The latter category refers to the preference for a certain name or variant of the name (hypocoristic forms included) and to the association of two or more Christian names in order to satisfy both traditional culture-specific requirements and modern tendencies. The conclusions are interpreted in connection with the specificity of the subjects, and can be further checked against a larger and more heterogeneous target group.
Key words:proper name, motivation, etymology, hypocoristic, referent
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 1

30Michel BallardNumele proprii în traducereEditura Universității de Vest2011

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