Title: | The logical structure of linguistic theory |
Author: | Noam Chomsky |
Publisher: | Plenum |
Place: | New York |
Year: | 1975 |
Citations to this publication: 5
1 | Ian Roberts | The Mystery of the Overlooked Discipline: Modern Syntactic Theory and Cognitive Science | RRL, LIX (2), 151-178 | 2014 | pdf html |
9 | Dumitru Irimia | Curs de lingvistică generală Ediția a III-a | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 2011 | html |
15 | Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin, Ion Giurgea | The Suffixation of Definite Articles in Balkan Languages | RRL, LI (1), 73-103 | 2006 | pdf html |
26 | Eugen Munteanu | Introducere în lingvistică | Polirom | 2005 | |
8 | Alexandra Cornilescu | Complementation in English A Minimalist Approach | Editura Universității din București | 2003; 2012 | html |
References in this publication: 0
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