Title: | Empire-building. The Case of Geography in Early Modern Britain |
Author: | Petruţa-Oana Naiduţ |
Publication: | Philologica Jassyensia, VII (1), p. 195-203 |
p-ISSN: | 1841-5377 |
e-ISSN: | 2247-8353 |
Publisher: | Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide” |
Place: | Iaşi |
Year: | 2011 |
Abstract: | The paper sets out to investigate several works of geography by authors such as William Cunningham, Abraham Ortelius, Gerard Mercator, Thomas Hill, Peter Heylyn, Periegetes Dionysius and Antonio de Torquemada, at the beginning of the 17th century. I wish to explore the moral scope of this overarching discipline and the cartographic metaphor underlying early modern works of geography and their impact on travel writing in Britain. |
Key words: | atlas, cosmography, English universities, geography, history, imperialism, maps |
Language: | English |
Links: | pdf html |
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