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Phonomorphologische Merkmale des Maramurescher Subdialektes der rumänischen Sprache

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, VI (1), p. 47-55
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:Maramures, as seen in our days, appears to be divided in three micro dialectal areas:
The group of the central vernaculars (Viseu – Sighet – approximately items 223–225, 228–232 of the ALRR-Mar.), where we can find all the characteristics of the Maramures subdialect. The characteristics are identified as being the following: [ă] protonic doesn’t become [a], the rough spelling of the affricates [č], [ğ] (even before the vowels [o], [u]), the palatalisation, in specific stages, of the labio-dentals [f], [v] to [s] and [z], the systematic character of the apocope ; the displacement of the stress in apocopic forms.
The group of the North-West vernaculars, characterized by the narrowing of the specific particularities, getting closer to the Cris subdialect and having as main characteristics: fricativisation of [ĝ] to [j] in words like: jinere, sânje; the palatalisation of the labio-dentals [f], [v] to [h'], and the stages [d'], [i], [ø] in words like: a h'i [to be], h'in [godsun], h'ir [thread], or ine [is coming], iţăl [calf].
The group of the South-West vernaculars with characteristics sliding closer towards the Moldavian subdialect, such as: the closing of the final vowels in words like: masî [table], casî [house], fatî [girl] – forms frequently encountered in areas like: Borşa, Moisei, or specific terms, commonly used in the Moldavian and North Transilvanian speeches.
The great majority of the dialectal particularities should be considered a result of the internal evolution of the language and not a foreign influence of those languages the dialect has been in contact with during the formation process. The vernaculars at the North of the Tisa River are slightly more archaic, but they are developing towards the same direction with the ones at the South of the river. Tisa has never been a border between the people living at its two opposite sides, the maps of the linguistic atlases host proofs of the Northern zones joining in lexical areas with the Western part of the Maramures subdialect at the south of the river Tisa.
The data we analysed and presented in our study entitles us to affirm that, despite the “levelling” influence of a literary language, there still are enough specific characteristics that sustain the existence of a fifth subdialect: the Maramures subdialect.
Key words:phonetic particularity, morphologic particularity, dialectal area, lexical chart
Language: German

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

210Valeriu Rusu (coord.)Tratat de dialectologie româneascăEditura Scrisul Românesc1984
15Ion GhețieCu privire la repartiția graiurilor dacoromîneSCL, XV (3), 3171964
208Ovid DensusianuIstoria limbii române
II. Secolul al XVI-lea
Ernest Leroux; J. Byck1938; 1961
144Ovid DensusianuIstoria limbii române
I. Originile
Ernest Leroux; J. Byck1901; 1961

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