Title: | Statutul fonematic al consoanelor palatale [k’, g’] și unele aspecte conexe |
Author: | Adrian Turculeț |
Publication: | Philologica Jassyensia, VI (1), p. 141-147 |
p-ISSN: | 1841-5377 |
e-ISSN: | 2247-8353 |
Publisher: | Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide” |
Place: | Iaşi |
Year: | 2010 |
Abstract: | The Romanian palatal stops [c, ɟ] and the velar stops [k, g] may be interpreted as independent phonemes or as allophones of phonemes /k, g/. The author brings some arguments for the second interpretation: – the phonetic kinship between the stops [c, ɟ] and [k, g] and the syntagmatic relations of these consonants with the following vowels enable their participation to the chains of the palatalized/non-palatalized consonants [t – t’, d – d’, n – n’ … k – c, g – ɟ]; – the extent of palatalization of the velar stops [k, g] followed by front vowels varies from the more or less palatalized velars as far as palatals [c, ɟ] in the Transylvanian variant of the literary speech, but also in the standard pronunciation in syntactical phonetics; – the report between [c, ɟ] and [k, g] is like the report between the palatal fricative [ç] and the glottal fricative [h], but the majority of the phoneticians account this as allophones of the phoneme /h/. That interpretation enables a plainer explanation of the restricted distribution of these consonants as allophones: [c, ɟ] precede the front vowels [e, i] and [k, g] precede the back vowels ă, î [ɤ, ɯ]. Between the palatal stops [c, ɟ] and the palatal vowels [e, i] there is a reciprocal interrelation: the latter assimilates the former velar consonants (within the word and in syntactic phonetics) and the acute sonority of the palatal consonants determines the acute sonority of the following vowels. |
Key words: | phonetic/ phonemic correlation, neutralization, defective distribution, allophony or reciprocal assimilation |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 11
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6 | Emil Petrovici | Sistemul fonematic al limbii romîne | SCL, VII (1-2), 7 | 1956 | |
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9 | Emil Petrovici | Corelația de timbru a consoanelor dure și moi în limba română | SCL, I (2), 172 | 1950 |
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