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Alice Voinescu în dialog cu Dumnezeu

Publication: Text şi discurs religios, II, Section Literatura și sacrul, p. 463-470
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:The paper intends to define and analyze Alice Voinescu’s religious life and work, her strong believes in life being filtered by the divine word/ Christian laws. Having the misfortune of living in a tormented world (the period after the Second World War and that of the communist dictatorship) Alice Voinescu found a way of surviving by escaping in her interior world. Her hardships became her joys, she knew how to give meaning to every sad moment of her life by means of Christian guidance. Some critics portrayed her as a mystic feminine figure having a strong aura of holiness, but she never considered her as such, although she kept a permanent dialogue with God (in her Journal, even in her philosophical considerations).
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 0

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