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Eufemizarea cuvântului „diavol” în limba română

Publication: Philologia, LVI (5-6), p. 89
Publisher:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Abstract:The negative aspects which cause a fear and also of forbidden subjects such as: murder, evil spirits, death etc., are condemned or even faced with some limitations from society. Because of this there are words and expressions which name without naming, which are called in the special language euphemisms. For avoiding the pronunciation of the terms which define the evil spirit, the speakers have started more often to use an euphemistic language. These names which describe the devil appear in another light such: aghiuţă, michiduţă, scaraoţchi, ucigă-l-crucea, ducă-se-pe-pustie, blestematul etc. All these euphemistic names are achieved by lexical, semantical and stylistical tools.
Key words:polysemy, euphemism, devil, taboo, language, religious, lexical interference, metaphorical, denominated
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 1

104Eugeniu CoșeriuOmul şi limbajul său
Studii de filozofie a limbajului, teorie a limbii şi lingvistică generală
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2009html

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