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Arșavir Acterian în căutarea lui Dumnezeu

Publication: Text şi discurs religios, II, Section Literatura și sacrul, p. 339-346
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:The author of the Diary in search of God is both character and witness in the beautiful story of the interbelic literature and also in the dramatic story of the communist enjailment. His spiritual family is not made up only by his sister (Jeni Acterian) or his too-early lost brother (Haig Acterian), but also by famous intelectuals like Eugen Ionescu, Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade, Nicolae Steinhardt etc. Unlike most of his fellows, Arşavir Acterian tried to make a work of art out of his life, less out of intense writing. His diaries describe the path of a mystical spirit, with a rich inner life, translated in a special poetic of wonder. As years go by, his confession gets closer to prayer and his search comes to the end of certainty.
Language: Romanian

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