Title: | Microsistemul terminologic „stomac” – „pântece” (pe baza atlaselor lingvistice româneşti) |
Author: | Liliana Popovschi |
Publication: | Philologia, LIV (5-6), p. 135 |
p-ISSN: | 1857-4300 |
Publisher: | Academia de Științe a Moldovei |
Place: | Chișinău |
Year: | 2012 |
Abstract: | This article is an attempt to analyse the dialectal terminological microsystem „stomach” – „belly”, applying the structural-diachronic method. The terms for these two notions form a microsystem because they are interdependent. The author describes the geographical distribution of the terms, their origin, their chronological succession on the Daco-Romanian territory. The analysed microsystem is a dynamic one, it is in a continuous process of evolution and the history of one term depends on the history of the other terms of the system. |
Key words: | dialectal terminological microsystem, structural-diachronic method, geographical distribution, word-history, chronological succession of the terms, Daco-Romanian territory, evolution, interdependence, transfer of names, dialectal correlations |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 11
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