Title: | Observații cu privire la unele hidronime din Banat |
Author: | Virginia David-Oprișa |
Publication: | Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Științe Filologice, XLVI, p. 159-164 |
p-ISSN: | 1224-967X |
Publisher: | Editura Universității de Vest |
Place: | Timișoara |
Year: | 2008 |
Abstract: | All types of semantics (lexycal or toponymic) use the same concept- meaning- which can be defined as “the representation of the object, as reflected in our mind”. Although in toponymy there exists a terminology (of special terms) whose dominant feature is the lack of plurivalence and, implicitly, of ambiguity, there is a phenomenon through which, as consequence of some distortions, toponymic synonyms, antonyms and homonyms are formed. Mainly, it refers to distortions within minor toponymy, but they also occur at the level of major toponymy. |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
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