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Propuneri şi argumente pentru revizuirea unor etimologii din DEX / DLR / DEXI

Publication: Limba română, LVIII (4), Section Lexicologie și lexicografie, p. 466-480
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The author presents in this article around 120 original etymologies, proposed in order to be included in the new issue of the Romanian Explanatory Dictionary (DEX), or in a new issue of the Academic Dictionary of the Romanian Language (DLR). It is mainly the abstract of the author’s already published studies on Romanian etymologies, at the same time being added a large number of new etymologic solutions, shortly explained.
Key words:
  • etimologii; cuvinte latine (moştenite), cuvinte dacice/ autohtone, formaţii expresive; împrumuturi slave, maghiare, cumane; contaminare, etimologie populară; DLR, DEX
  • etymologies; Latin (inherited) words, Dacian/ autochthonous words, expressive/ mimetic words; Slavic, Hungarian, Comanian loans; contamination, folk- etymology; DLR, DEX
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 1

29Jean Dubois, Henri Mitterand, Albert DauzatDictionnaire étymologique et historique du françaisLarousse1993

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