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Consideraţii pe marginea unui dicţionar etimologic: CDER

Publication: Limba română, LVIII (4), Section Lexicologie și lexicografie, p. 481-498
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:While carefully examining the entire dictionary, the author of the present study has come to the surprising conclusion that in CDER there exists a great amount of exact information together with numerous etymologies which are either wrong or at least doubtful. On the other hand, Cioranescu’s research stops around the year 1950, while the dictionary was published almost ten years later. Although he has lived approximately forty years after the publication of the dictionary which he authored, Cioranescu never updated it, nor did he correct a series of undoubtful errors. Concerning this state of things, anyone might ask a number of questions which are very difficult to answer. Because of this, something seems to be out of order concerning this important etymological dictionary.
Key words:
  • Al. Ciorănescu, dicţionar, etimologie, frazeologie, derivare regresivă, substrat, etimologie multiplă
  • Al. Ciorănescu, dictionary, etymology, phraseology, back-formation, substratum, multiple etymology
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 7

15Cristian MoroianuDublete și triplete etimologice în limba românăEditura Universității din București2005
101Grigore BrâncușVocabularul autohton al limbii româneEditura Științifică și Enciclopedică1983
58Ion I. RussuEtnogeneza românilor
Fondul autohton traco-dacic și componenta latino-romanică
Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică1981
2Theodor HristeaDerivarea regresivă postparticipială în limba românăLR, XXIX (5), 4971980
5Theodor HristeaEtimologia multiplă internăLR, XX (5), 4791971
42Alexandru GraurStudii de lingvistică generalăEditura Academiei1955; 1960
15Alexandru GraurEtimologie multiplăSCL, I (1), 221950

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